“Back in 2005 whilst travelling to my corporate role in the CBD, a dog named Qenia came into my family’s lives and inspired me to dream of starting a doggy daycare centre. It was really so my sister, Nicole and I could spend more time with Qenia and also other likeminded owners and dogs! Ally my beautiful Bernese Mountain dog came into my life as a baby a couple of weeks prior to diggiddydoggydaycare’s opening in June 2007 and I was so grateful that I could spend time with her and give her the best life. Because of diggiddy she grew to be an outgoing, balanced and emotionally intelligent therapy dog. She had the best life of adventures at diggiddy, companionship with her favourite person and her auntie Qenia with limited stretches of time on her own. We believe that all dogs deserve such a happy life of companionship, play and love. When Ally sadly passed away, 6 months later I was contacted by a breeder to meet a 12 month old Bernese Mountain Dog who required rehoming due to challenging behaviour. Her name was Cocoa and I thought she was awesome! I knew that she could be balanced out with love, consistency and healthy boundaries at both diggiddy and at home. It didn’t take her long to learn and grow into the divine dog she is today.
In the 10 years of operation that vision for this company has not waivered…..it’s based on unconditional love, consistency and healthy boundaries. Dogs are such beautiful creatures with such a simple message to influence and teach us about life. Live in the moment, play, cuddle, communicate and love deeply.
diggiddy has changed many lives of staff, clients and dogs and continues to make a difference every day. I love this business and everything we do for humans and dogs alike and our collective vision is to touch the lives of as many families with our message as we can.”
Dog’s name: Cocoa (Bernese Mountain Dog)

“I came to diggiddy with an eclectic background in advertising, non-profit, admin and wine touring, and I could not be happier to be part of the diggiddy family!
Finding Luna was a huge moment in my life, and intensified an already strong love of our canine buddies. She reminds me to “live in the now”: exercise more, worry less and stick my head out the window once in a while. And it mostly doesn’t matter that the bulk of my diet now consists of dog hair…you get used to it.
When I’m not at diggiddy you will find me at the dog park, Kung Fu training or in a dog-friendly beer garden!”
Dog’s name: Luna (Bull Arab X)

“If my girls and I aren’t hiking, or seeking adventure, you’ll find us at diggiddy where we’ve found our second home. I come to diggiddy with a background in dog behavior and training, and thrive on the daily challenges that leading this amazing team, and working with dogs of all shapes and sizes brings. My family and friends will tell you I’m a human contradiction of a heavy metal listening, organic garden loving, runway walking, pizza devouring, goofball. I don’t know what they’re talking about, but I will fight you for the last slice of pizza.”
Dogs’ names: Frankie & Freyja (French Bulldogs)

“From a young age animals have been Maddy’s companions, guides, and teachers; of unwavering compassion, unconditional love, and unbridled joy.
Wanting to give as much to her animal friends as they give her to her, Maddy is a Canine Bowen Therapist with her own business Bau’s Bowen, which proudly offers treatments to diggiddy dogs too! Through various external resources, to hands on experience, Maddy is constantly growing her knowledge to ensure she is a worthy representative for her four legged friends.”
Dog’s name: Bella (Cocker Spaniel X Flat Coat Retriever)
Likes: Yoga, meditation, discovering life
Dislikes: Soggy shoes

“I arrived in Australia a little over two years ago from Ireland. I packed my bags and booked a one way ticket on my own to go and be where I have always dreamed to be. Ever since I can remember I have always had this massive passion to work with animals. Then I studied Animal Science and Behaviour back in Ireland and knew it was definitely what I want to do and where else to pursue it but here. Diggiddy is now my home away from home, my extended family. I work with an amazing team and have them to thank for making diggiddy so special for me.”
Likes: POTATOES POTATOES POTATOES of every size, shape and form! And hiking, camping (being outdoors).
Dislikes: Vegemite


“I was studying at La Trobe doing Animal and Veterinary Bioscience and volunteered at a dog shelter back in Singapore before applying for a job at diggiddy. I have a huge passion for dogs of all shapes and sizes, and my past experience with dogs has given me a deep understanding of dog behaviour. I find that the work culture at diggiddy is very professional, the way we do things is very efficient and everyone is very hardworking and passionate about the dogs.”
Dogs’ names: Perseus and Pandora (Kelpie x German Shepherds)
Likes: Animals, durian, hiking
Dislikes: Cockroaches

“Before starting at Diggiddy, I was studying acting at Stella Adler in New York City. Whilst living in New York, I was constantly on the look out for volunteering opportunities working with animals to ease the stress of my busy Manhattan lifestyle. When I returned home to Melbourne, I knew I wanted to venture down the path of working with animals on a more permanent basis, so undertook and completed a Certificate II in Animal Studies at the RSPCA. Whilst I have a love for every kind of animal, I repeatedly picked Kennels during work placements and knew that working with dogs was really what I wanted to be doing. Seeing all the doggy’s each day is a dream come true, and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of the incredible Diggiddy family!”
Dog’s name: Zara

Jess A
“I’m Jess. I’ve been obsessed with dogs since I was a small child and that obsession has never waned, I went to La Trobe University to study Animal Vet Bioscience and decided I wanted to work hands on with animals. Then I started working at Diggiddy and getting to see all the dogs every day and play with them has been exactly what I wanted. When I’m not at work I’ll usually be visiting one of my friends who owns a dog just for more love and cuddles. I currently have no pets myself but I had a miniature Schnauzer for 15 years and he was a beautiful, gentle boy.”
Likes: movies, travel, doggos
Dislikes: scary movies, running

Jess C
“I have had a passion and love for animals from before I could talk! I grew up surrounded by animals, and pursued my dreams of working with them. I have completed certificates in Animal Studies, Companion Animal Services, and currently completing my last year of Veterinary Nursing.
Over the years I have volunteered in numerous areas of the Animal industry, ranging from animal shelters to children’s farms and much more, so I have experience with many different species, of all shapes and sizes!
Finding diggiddy and being given the opportunity to work here has honestly been the most rewarding and greatest experience of my life. There’s nothing better then seeing the dogs so happy to come to daycare each day. Diggiddy isn’t just a workplace, it’s a family. Two legged and four legged.”
Dog’s name: Meatball (Border Collie)
Likes: Animals, Disney, Steve Irwin & David Attenborough
Dislikes: Wasps

“I think what draws me to dogs is the respect I have for their attitude toward life. They constantly remind me to prioritise having fun. Over everything. And with everything. I find myself completely enamoured with their curiosity. And how incredibly funny they don’t realise they are. I’m fascinated with the way they communicate with each other, and with people and how that differs. Or doesn’t. I never get sick of trying to figure out what they’re trying to say. Or watching one gain confidence. Or the completely unlikely and totally unforeseeable friendships that develop between them. They remind me of how big a part energy plays between things. And how we are both so influenced by the other. I could go on but I’ll end by saying that I like working here.”
Dog’s name: Reggie (Mini dachshund)
Likes: Swimming, lasagna, bed
Dislikes: Velvet

“Growing up between Ontario, Canada and rural NSW, Jordan experienced the joy and education of growing up with all walks of family pets. Rabbits, parrots, quails, cats, lizards, mice, even an ant-farm, but none were such loyal, caring companions as the family cocker spaniels: Poppy and Daisy.
After twenty years living in Australia Jordan was afforded the opportunity to tour the USA playing music and wound up returning to his childhood home of Canada. There in Vancouver, BC Jordan rekindled his love for canines working and living at a daycare/kennel for a year. The experience was unforgettable and a whole career path opened before him, reigniting his love for dogs.

“I started at diggiddy in 2016 and have been doing work placement for two years for school, studying Cert II in Animal studies at The Gordon. I have always loved dogs and working at diggiddy has taught me so many things. diggiddy is not just a job, it’s a family. The best thing is seeing the gorgeous faces walk through the doors everyday. It’s such a fun and welcoming environment, what more could you ask for? One day I hope to pursue work with therapy dogs and diggiddy is giving me a huge opening to getting my dream job. I couldn’t ask for a better bunch of humans and four legged animals to work with.”
Dog’s name: Ralph (Boxer x Mastiff)
Likes: The outdoors, candles, doctor shows
Dislikes: Tim Tams

“Before I started working at diggiddy I was studying year 12 and the previous year I had done a Certificate II in Animal studies. I decided I wanted to work for diggiddy because I have such a passion for dogs and have grown up with them which has helped expand my knowledge and who else wouldn’t want to spend their day getting cuddles from dogs of all shapes and sizes! I have been at diggiddy for over a year now and I still wake up every day so excited and happy to be able to spend my days here! Outside of work I like to cook, game and go on various adventures with my dog and just living my life to the fullest with lots of laughs and doggy cuddles!”
Dog’s name: Tyson (Staffy x Ridgeback)
Likes: Animals, cars, camping
Dislikes: Vegetables