Melbourne’s first four-legged CEO joins Vinnies CEO Sleepout
Tonight’s the night Cocoa attends the CEO Sleepout for the homeless. There’s still time to get your last minute donations in. We’re so excited to help in some small way.
Cocoa, a 3-year-old Bernese Mountain dog and “Canine Executive Officer” at diggiddydoggydaycare in South Melbourne, will be bringing awareness to the dogs of the streets who are affected by homelessness and the important role they hold in supporting their human during tough times. In a first for Vinnies CEO Sleepout, Cocoa has been given special dispensation to participate and has been tirelessly raising funds.
Every night, thousands of Australians experience homelessness. Cocoa and her human, Jeanette, will be sleeping out with other CEOs to get a tiny snapshot of the experience of sleeping rough during winter to raise awareness and bring home the realities of homelessness.
“This night is about bringing awareness not only to people doing it tough on the streets, but also to highlight that their beloved pet dog may be displaced too. Dogs give unconditionally, will not judge and are loyal to a fault to their humans. People still need to feel loved. These dogs perform a very supportive role and even provide some sense of hope, a reason to hang on for their human even though their home, mental health or financial position may not be stable.” Jeanette says.
Seeing a homeless person on the street who has a pet dog is not uncommon. However, there is little focus on how these people and their pets survive on the streets and what role their animals play in these circumstances.
Having Cocoa participating in this event may prompt a fresh new story to engage the public by bringing a focus on this growing problem and ignite the public to donate to Vinnies to help those who may have not have had the same opportunities.
“I’m really excited to accompany Cocoa to this event in Melbourne and I know she will be extremely happy to entertain participants and to highlight how important our pets are, especially if we do not have anyone else to rely on,” Jeanette Farren said.